Will starting a peace pact lead to regional deal?
Israel and the United Arab Emirates’ move to establish formal diplomatic ties as Israel has agreed to suspend a plan to annex parts of the occupied West Bank is part…
Israel and the United Arab Emirates’ move to establish formal diplomatic ties as Israel has agreed to suspend a plan to annex parts of the occupied West Bank is part…
The incident at the Port of Beirut this week cannot be considered as just another disaster, like many others that occur daily in the Middle East. Not only because of the loss of life, damage and economic impact, but also for the other conse…
L’incidente al porto di Beirut non può essere considerato in nessun modo un evento disastroso come ne accadono tanti. Questo per una serie di motivi ben precisi: innanzitutto per la gravità dei danni in termini di perdite di vite umane, ed economiche e…
This week a Royal Decree was issued in Jordan to hold parliamentary elections in accordance with the provisions of law. The final stages of preparations are being made for new elections to be held on November 10, and the right atmosph…
Global politics are shifting and the traditional dynamics in place since World War II are changing. Many countries, especially in the Middle East, have built their politics on the division of east and west, and their foreign policy and participation in…
Recent developments in southern Syria demonstrate the growing threat from terrorist and criminal groups in the area and the need to pay closer attention to the evolving situation. This is a growing risk of instability right on Jordan’s borders, and inc…
Potential instability on the borders is a critical risk for all countries, especially in the Middle East. This is particularly so for Jordan, where the risk has been high for many years now, and security threats on the border such as lawlessness and fi…
While the Israeli Government has not officially announced a date, many expected the implementation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to annex the West Bank on the 1st July, this week. While the unilateral move is likely to provoke diplomatic …
There is no doubt that economic indicators suggest that Jordan is facing difficult times, and the recent financial measures taken by the government could fuel more anger amongst Jordanians in the near future. Economic hardship rears its ugly head amids…
Over the last few years, there has been an ongoing escalation of diplomatic and political tension between Jordan and Israel that does not reflect the existing peace treaty, nor the level of security cooperation that exists between the two parts. From d…